Aggie Football Preview

As we come closer to the new season in both professional football and the college football, I feel the urge and the need to put my two cents into the huddle. As the nuances and the ape like instances of our dream football (or as it is most likely known, the fantasy football among the elite of the elite) are unbeknownst to me, I feel like my ideas would be more than enough to quench the thirst of my own curiosity (and maybe anyone else who is reading).
So let me start off by my first love, the Aggie football team. Depsite the fact that their performance in the past few years has been excruciating to say the least, they alsways have been my college football favorites. Not to say that they are the best team, the reality is far from it, but they have my loyalties (just as Houston Texans, Rockets, Astros, Dynamo, and Aeros do). Aggie football was the first college team that I watched and it will always remain elusive to me to give out my loyalties to some other team. Anyways coming back to the team's performance in the past few years, I think that we are on track to falling on hard times, and we certainly will if we don't improve our performance this year. Let me explain this a little better. The strength of any college is not in the coaching staff, not in the stadium not in the total attendance or for that matter the support of the freakin college student body itself. Yes, these are very helpful vessels to carry the team forth and forward but a team can never prosper if the right people haven't signed onto the team, and most importantly if passionate people aren't in the pipes for the team. Recruiting comes to mind as the most important factor in a college's doing in the tournament every year (and the conference). Recruiting is no easy task, its not only the college visits, or for that matter any lavish and outlandish parties that are thrown in the honor of the upcong and prospective players. Recruiting depends on how the college does in a season, and more than that how much a college is featured on national television (which in turn depends on how the team does, which in and on itself is a catch-22) for the reasons for coming to college have changed drastically in the pastfew years. Now a days college athletes want to make a nig name for them in addition to playing big and sometimes one is not necessary for the other. Once a player is noticed on the national level he is on the radar (and please spare me tha crap about scouts, the scouting level has not been any good for the past few decades in the NFL) and once you are on the radar you are money (sorry to use the colloquial).
So back to our discussion about the very nature of the college football politics. More you win, the more you are on national TV, the more you are on national TV the more you have a chance of getting new and fresh blood into your recruiting lines.
So now that we are through with that lecture, the recruting for the past few years has not been that great and ruefully enough this year it wasn't that great either. With both Texas and Oklahoma getting the lion's share of the recruits (as has been the trend for the past couple of years) the team A&M has is still pretty young and still not that great at defense. This is the last year that we have any chance of surviving any more degradation in our ranks of the recruits because anyone that we got with a promise to "start" this year will not work next time, because who wants to be a starter when you are starting for a losing team. It is here that we must make our last stand and we must keep in mind that we have to win over our critics and win over the hearts and minds of the people in high school that are watching. Once this season is over and even if we are around the mark of 8 and above that will tell the rest of the crowd in Texas that there is still room here for them, that this can still be the launching pad for their career. Our offense is in truly good hands, as shown by the depth at TB, RB and FB and our QB is also not a freshman, but a yoiung veteran (aplogies for using the exymoron, but when he started against Texas it was kind of a done deal that he could take the pressure).
Nonethless, we have it to our advantage to go out there and give it, all simply because we don't have anything really to lose anyways.
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