Saturday, December 25, 2004

What Matters Most

Almost three years ago when I took my modern art class, I first came across artists like Malevich and Mondrian. To say that I was surprised would be an understatement. I ondered what really made these artists or for that matter their paintings so worthwhile. I mena there has to be something that people see, the art critics see that they think is worth it. If you have ever looked at these paintings you would most definitley understand my dilemma. At this point my professor saif something that not only made my consternation easier but it also made sense. He said "you see guys (referring to the whole class), what matter most in art is not the final product (although it has to have some aesthetic sense but that is very subjective) what matters is the thought process. What matters is how the artist came to think of it. To most of you the painting is a bunch of straight lines (referring to Mondrian) but I see all that has gone into the painting, what led the artist to think and draw this paitning" .

If you ever have a chance, go to the Dallas Museum and Museuem of Fine Arts Houston and check out th efollowing artists

Piet Mondrian, Gorges Roualt, Monet, Renoir, Jackson Pollock,


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