The New American Dream

Whats that I hear about "Sick Worker" malady. Come on people, whats wrong with you guys. There used to be a time when american workforce was famous for its non chalance and its hardwork and now we are as famous for it as idiots in large numbers. French who we tout as lazy bums are actually more productive than us 101% to be exact. I mean this is almost to the point of shameful. We have resorted to teh worst of all things, euphemisms. Oh yeah, we are good at that. We believe that if we give something a name that resembles a disease it will help deal with it better. What if there is no disease, or for that matter its all in your head. Its quite possible actually but rather than that we would take drugs and say that we are dealing with it. Drug companies will make millions and no one will actually think to solve this problem with non-drug solution.
It seems at times that we have just given up, we really don't have anything that we strive for, there was a time when AMerican workmanship was famous in the world, and I am not talking about the early 20's or 30's but as late as the 70's and 80's. Given that it wasn't in all fields, but still there were genuine craftsmanship, now all that is left of that time is the awful mmoaning, and a whole lot of empty drug bottles.
Welcome to the new American dream: Work, take drugs, complain, get wrorkers comp and live happily ever after.
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