Wednesday, December 29, 2004

Super Strings

Today I came across a completely different view of a world that has existed but out of my eyes for a long period of time. The world of Super String thoery. Throughout college I and other companions of mine were taught things like the clasical theory of particles, the merely modernized version, the quantum theory but today I realize that all these may be wrong. To be honest this is something that is not that much different than waking up dizzy and completely disoriented and thinking whether this is early morning or late night.

But there is a deeper meaning that I came to know with this realization. The truth about change, the constant motion of things. Theories come and go, people who will come after us will read about the theories that I have been familiar with and what I have based my life views on will be antiquated, they will be archaic. Just that thought makes me uncomfortable. It makes me question the very bases of my sanity. I mean, is the ignorance of these new ideas, the ignorance about change, warrants my intellect to be questioned?

All these questions really relate more deeply to a more moralistic and religious view deep down, but that discussion is best kept for a later time and date. Back to the topic at hand. Should my basic foundations include a degree of variability? Should I always believe that there will never be a true answer? will there ever be an end to a discussion?


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