Wednesday, November 02, 2005


I was really happy when I started as an auditor and don't get me wrong I still am pretty happy with my line of work, its just that there are so many frustrations in the everyday rut of life that sometimes you get too antsy. There are not always doors that you can wolk through and see the answer. There are days that you feel as if you have really applied what you have learned in school and at times you feel as if you are absolutely horrid at what you do and a monkey could be better of nodding his head at the general direction of where your orders are coming from.

I guess its the direction of where testing takes you and that really bothers me that there are no clear instructions at times and at others there are rules that make you go insane.

But even after that I really feel great whenever I read a new FASB and try to think about the implications or just recently I read the IASB's and it was a revelation. It really gives you an insider's look at the psyche of the people who are designing the rules and regulations.

But its frustrating when you don't have something black and white infront of you and you can decide what to choose and what not to choose.


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