Just finished watching the Texans lose a game to the Rams when they were up by 24-3 at the half, and thats not the sad part, what really hurts here is the fact that they allowed 10 points in the 10 seconds so that the Rams can come back and win the game at the end. I know that I am not going to fall off the Texans band wagon so soon, but COME THE F*** ON people you, have a 21 point lead going into the half and you lose it to a team that wasn't good on defense anyways, especially during the game, and the teams third tier QB was in the game, and their running game was almost non existent. It is just so frustrating. I think this has been an accumulation of so many things that the teams I love have done this Year.

My favorite college football team also have not been doing good. They started the season with high hopes that they would go on to maybe beat the Texas team, but obviously that didn't come to fruitioin. Then come the Astros, and man oh man they had that run, but I mean what good is that if you are going to be swept up by the Sox in the World Series. Then come the Rockets who have been pissing away like crazy all the hopes and dreams that came with Tracy MacGrady.
I know I sound like the Whambulance, but come on people its like I have to hang my hopes on the Aeros now. None of my other teams have gone to win anything sugnificant. The only team that is barely hanging in there are Arsenal, but they are like 11 points behind Chelsea. The only team that has done anything this year is the Aggie Women Soccer team. They have won the Big 12 league title and the Championship 2nd year in a row. I just have praises for them. They didn't go ahead in the sweet sixteen but they cam across Penn State which was ranked like No. 1 in the nation. All in all 2005 has been such a disappointing year for the Texas teams, especially my teams that I follow. I think I can't look towards the next year and say that anything will come off the teams that have lost and pissed their season awat this year. Oh well there is always 2010.
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