Santa is fighting now !

Just watned that awful Chevy commercial where this idiot of a red tag guy is trying to compare himself to Santa Claus. Now Now, I realize that he doesn't exist and all the existentiailst bull that comes with admitting the very presence of Santa Claus, but still I mean they really have demoted this guy to the worst of the people. I mean I am not referring to the Santa Claus o for that matter that guy personally, but what I am referring to is the fact that corporations have given way to this idea that people don't really care about this figure that reallu does bring hope to a lot of people in the world. What they really are worried about is the fact that their new hybrid truck (which is the biggest POS anyways) is actually better than Santa's ride.
Santa isn't about a certain religion, or about being real or not. Its all an idea, and all about having to build faith in children. All people realize that they will have to tell their kids about the truth one day, but the image of Santa which is about keeping faith in things you belive in is true. That there really is somehting good about you if you stand your ground. I know this also comes under existentialist BS, but I think what I really want to say is "Get the F*** out of Christamas and especially Santa's image and leave him the F*** alone". I don't mind you selling me all that junk you wnat but leave the folks from North Pole alone.
Thank You; Santa has left the Building.
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