Turns out that waiting for the end of the semester is the hardest thing to do. I always thought that people who say "oh! I just want to get out off college" when they were in their last semester were really lying. I mean how can you subsitute college life with real life. The abundance of money (well at least the paycheck) doesn't even make up for the 10 am mornings and the pure joy of skipping class even though you are only two feet from the classroom just because you think that the weather outside is way too beautiful to attend class. I always wanted to stay in college if I could.
The irony is that I only have about 2 months left and I am totally sick of doing homework, and projects knowing full well that I will be leaving this behind and probably never in my life be graded on another thing so strictly, and will actually never worry about making an A or a B.
Soon though the last of the days will come and I will be walking the stage, yea